B G B E N G R Z Y B O W S K I - W E B D E V E L O P E R & D E S I G N E R B E N G R Z Y B O W S K I - W E B D E V E L O P E R & D E S I G N E R

Tattoo Studio in Astoria Oregon Website

Signal Tattoo

Signal tattoo is a tattoo studio on the coastal town of Astoria in Oregon. They were in need of an upgrade from their existing square space website and were interested in including some unique functionality that I had built for other tattoo shops and whose owners had them about.

Color Palette
pnw tattoo website design colors


The website was pretty much a blank slate, after a discovery call I learned what was important to them on the site and they even included some mock ups on they wanted the homepage structured.


The site was a straight forward build. Using Divi and WordPress to keep the options wide open for third party booking integrations and enabling the custom functionality of CPT's combined with ACF and custom searching on the CPT archive.


I built in a "reveal" feature on the banner of the homepage and a fade on the main logo as the user scrolls. There is an instagram feed functionality enabled through a easy to use plugin. My favorite piece of functionality is the CPT for Flash Tattoos and the custom searching feature I created for that, I also set up ajax loading that displays the Signal Tattoo logo while more posts are loading.